Last year at Google I/O, the company wowed the audience by showcasing Duplex as a way to make restaurant reservations. It seems that the company is psyched to solve dining’s most annoying problems, because they’re now tapping computer vision tech to help people order the right meal and split the check.

The company’s AI/AR platform, Google Lens has new capabilities for restaurant diners, by pointing the camera at a restaurant menu, Google will rapidly match the names of menu items with data in Google Maps and will actually highlight the names of the restaurant’s most popular dishes.

By tapping on the names of the dishes on your phone, you’ll be able to see photos of that meal that have been tagged.

After you finish eating, Lens can help with that too. By pointing the camera at your receipt, you can calculate the tip or more impressively, split the bill with an in-camera calculator.

Like with most Google I/O announcement, details were murky on when and where this functionality is coming.