Almost every organization, regardless of size, is inundated with meetings, so much so it’s often hard to find dedicated time do actual work. Clockwise wants to change that by bringing machine learning to the calendar to help employees free up time. Today, it announced an $11 million Series A investment, and made the product, which had been in Beta, generally available.

The round was co-led led by Greylock and Accel. Other investors included Slack Fund, Michael Ovitz, Ellen Levy, George Hu, Soraya Darabi, SV Angel and Jay Simons. The company has raised a total of $13 million.

Matt Martin, CEO and co-founder at Clockwise says the company’s mission is to help employees make time for what matters, and they are doing that by applying machine learning to the calendar to free up blocks of time to concentrate on work. Calendars have tended to be pretty static and this provides a way to bring a level of intelligence to automatically shift meetings to a better time when it makes sense.

You download Clockwise and then you can set parameters for which meetings can be moved and which are set in stone and other preferences. As Martin wrote in a blog post announcing the new tool, this gives employees “uninterrupted blocks of time to focus, think and innovate.” For now, it’s available for G Suite users.

Gif: Clockwise

You may think that this is a one-trick pony that will be hard to scale, but Martin says in the past few months, Clockwise has recovered 1000 of hours, and as they gain more data, the tool will get even more intelligent about meeting shifting.

Certainly his investors see the potential. John Lilly, who is leading the investment at Greylock believes Clockwise filling a huge unfilled need inside organizations. “Clockwise is focused on helping individuals and teams retake ownership of their time. This is not an easy feat — building the Clockwise product requires a sophisticated understanding of machine learning, user interaction, and systems design breakthrough,” Lilly said.

Clockwise founders were part of the team at RelateIQ, a company Salesforce bought for $390 million in 2014. Since leaving, RelateIQ they decided to put that experience to work on making the calendar more efficient.