Google announced this morning via blog post that it has partnered with the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation to give away 100,000 Home Mini units to people living with paralysis. The news is designed to mark the 29th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which was signed into law on this day in 1990.

There’s a form on Google’s site for people who qualify and their caregivers. Interested parties must live in the United States to receive a unit.

The giveaway is a nice reminder of one of the under recognized aspects of the current push toward voice-control devices. The ability to check the news and turn on connected smart home devices is a nice luxury for able bodied users, but could be a game changer for others.

The company marked the news with the story of Garrison Redd, a Foundation ambassador who notes the benefit the $50 device has had on his life. “I’m training for the 2020 Paralympic Games as a powerlifter for Team USA, so I use my Mini to set alarms, manage my training schedule, and even make grocery lists,” he writes in the post. “Music is a huge motivator for me, and with Mini, I listen to Spotify playlists and get pumped up before a workout.”